Coopers Falls Trail

This challenging portion of the Gravenhurst Trans Canada Trails makes up almost one third of the entire Trans Canada Trail route through Gravenhurst.  Designed for Nature lovers, the Cooper’s Falls Trail traverses through the rugged rock ridges and vast wetlands that make up the Kahshe Lake Barrens Conservation Reserve.  Although sections of the trail are bordered by hundreds of acres of Crown Land, it is still very important to remain on the trail route for safety, to protect the environment, and avoid private property.

This Trail is Rated:  DIFFICULT

Distance:  7.5 km

Total # of Steps:  9375


Access to Trail / Parking:  Southern Entrance:  Hwy 11 t Cooper’s Falls Rd.  Travel through Cooper’s Falls to trailhead on left side of the road.  Seasonal parking only.

Northern Entrance:  Hwy 11 to Doe Lake Rd.  Travel to Housey’s Rapid’s Rd. to Fire Rd. 4.  Trailhead and parking area on the right side.